I thought about inviting Mr. Boomer to ask me out on a date to go to see this one. But when I looked it up to find out when and where, I also looked at the running time....
Running time -- 158 minutes.
You might conclude that I must have the attention span of a gnat, but I don't care. A movie that is 2 hours and 38 minutes long is not going to get me through the door.
Maybe I should not automatically look at the running time of movies. But I do. And when a movie is this long, I always think it means that whoever was supposed to yell, "CUT!" -- forgot to yell, "CUT!"
Boomer B. DeMille
PS: I forgot to say that I forgive GWTW for its length. It was nowhere near as good as the book, but it's GWTW afterall so I don't give a damn how long that one is. I still watch it once in a while, every few years.
Scarlett O'Boomer
Last edited by Boomer; 05-17-2010 at 07:00 AM.
Reason: had to add the GWTW part